

Traineeships are employment-based training aligned to a qualification. They are like an apprenticeship in a shorter time frame. Traineeships ensure that the employer gets the skill development they need and the trainee achieves a nationally recognised qualification while earning a wage.

Skills Strategies International is highly experienced in coordinating and delivering traineeships. A traineeship is an opportunity to combine work and learning. Trainees develop workplace skills whilst contributing to an organisation.

Traineeships are available to school leavers, people re-entering the workforce or people wishing to change careers. You can even begin a traineeship while you’re still at school (these are called School-Based Traineeships and more information about them is provided below).

Employers who take on a traineeship may be eligible for a range of funding incentives.  Traineeships are funded by the federal and state governments and are signed up and monitored by an ASSN (Australian Apprenticeship Support Network).

To know more about Traineeships, click on the following link-

Process for Traineeships
  1. Employment contract negotiated or employee recruited for a traineeship
  2. Australian Apprenticeship Support Network was contacted to perform the signup. Alternatively contact Skills Strategies International and we will contact the AASN on your behalf
  3. The ASSN will check eligibility for the traineeship, organise the signing of the Training Contract and pass the information on to the Apprenticeship Office
  4. Skills Strategies International will be notified of the approval and given instructions about contacting the trainee and supervisor.
  5. A training schedule and Training Plan will be created by the trainer, the employer and the trainee. This is a schedule of units to be delivered together with the timeframe for delivery and assessment.  It is a legal requirement that a Training Plan is developed and lodged with the Apprenticeship Office.  Traineeships are usually for 12-18 months.
  6. An invoice is sent for the cost of the training. The learner is liable for the invoice but it is usual for employers to pay this invoice.
  7. The learner will be sent an enrolment link and will complete the online enrolment form.
  8. Training and assessment are delivered as per the training cycle in the Training Plan
  9. The trainee supervisor is kept updated on your progress.
  10. Skills Strategies International reports your training progress to the funding body every month.
  11. On completion of all units, the employer must sign off to say you are competent in the workplace application of the units of competency.
  12. Certification issued.
School-Based Traineeships

Benefits for Employers 

  • A low cost-effective way to meet the specific needs of the business
  • An effective strategy to diversify the workforce and develop talent
  • Succession planning
  • Increased productivity
  • Develop the learner into your culture
  • Young learners bring new ideas
  • Financial incentives may be available to help meet the cost of taking on a school-based trainee
  • Address industry skill requirements for current and future needs
  • Contribute to the education system in a way that makes it meaningful and relevant

Benefits for Students 

  • Practical hands on experience in a real world environment
  • Earn while you learn and gain a qualification
  • Acquire and enhance job specific skills
  • Develop important soft skills such as teamwork, problem solving, communication
  • On the job support
  • Learn by doing workplace tasks
  • A great way to transition from school to work
  • Mentored and guided by the training organisation and employer
  • Increase your confidence by overcoming challenges in a professional setting
  • Get job market awareness


Our Speaker List

Mark the Date - June 17, 2024

Fees - $550.00

Conference Location - Perth Convention And Exhibition Centre

For further information on Empowering Futures ’24 please email