Preparing for the next wave with FREE training
Complacency is becoming the new pandemic in WA. We seem to no longer have any/many COVID cases and for many it is like COVID never was. After all Victoria is on the other side of the world and we can keep the borders closed indefinitely………can’t we??
Recently KPMG has predicted we are heading into a decade long recession with recovery not being possible until the distant future. Currently the Australian government is providing $259 Billion in relief funds including Job Keeper and Job Seeker, this is equal to 13.3% of Australia’s total GDP. While this is currently propping up the economy and on the 30th of September these measures will stop meaning we have not avoided the economic crash that has seen throughout the rest of the world we have simply delayed it.
It has become apparent that this situation will be a burden that will be carried by future generations. Job prospects will be bleak and hard to come by. Therefore, we must prepare them (or YOU) to face this future head on. One of the ways we can do this is through training skillsets that will give our youth the skills they need to be ready for the future. Providing a competitive advantage is more important than ever.
Our government has recognized this and is providing funding for free skillsets that are an investment in the future of our country.
At Skills Strategies International these are the groups we are targeting with FREE training. When businesses are doing it tough, they need staff who are skilled and can add to the bottom line. For those who wish to work in community services we have Work in the Community Care Skill Set and Provide Individual Support Skill Set. These skill sets will get you started in the industry. You can use them to articulate to a full qualification or to get a job – or a traineeship.
We are also offering two general business skill sets in Customer Service and Business Ready. All of these courses will include career planning, personal branding and support for accessing a work placement.
These skill sets can be accessed online in our virtual classroom or face to face.
Enquire at info@skillstrategies.edu.au or call 61432180