Four Benefits of Team Outings
With the relaxing of the pandemic restrictions, the Skills Strategies International team met at the new Mandurah office last Friday. The theme of the outing was to write marketing content. But really the desired outcome was to get together and have some fun outside the office. (Which really means outside normal work regime because we have all been working outside the office while working at home).
Benefit 1:
People play roles and others see them as an employee or a trainer or a compliance manager. When people meet in a different environment that has different requirements, we start to see a different side of them. The new picture of our long and trusted colleague may be someone who we understand better or we have a better connection with. This may make for better employee relations.
Benefit 2:
As part of seeing a new side of of our colleagues we may also find that they expose hidden talents. Out last team outing was a bus ride in the Swan Valley and exceptional singing talents were exposed on the bus. On Friday we started our day with a presentation by Lisa Kneibe on our “Personality Colours” and how that could be used in content creation. The blogs and PowerPoint presentations that followed definitely reflected people’s creativity (or lack of it). It was obvious that creativity with spreadsheets was a skill that was valuable for some.
Benefit 3:
Getting the whole team together and working towards a shared goal was one of our objectives. Having a marketing strategy with suitable content developed for all areas of SSI product offerings was the organisational goal. Most staff saw this as the role of the marketing team. Getting together, having some fun with the activities and recognising that sharing information about our learning areas is a prerequisite to participants joining the programs.
Benefit 4:
Rest and relaxation give us an opportunity to start afresh and refocus. With the hum drum of the everyday, we often don’t have time to stop and think and question. Just doing something different ….that is fun and different can provide an opportunity for a new perspective – and may just lead to more productivity or creativity.