Delivery Options

Delivery Options

At Skills Strategies International a variety of delivery options are available to ensure that you get
the learning experience best for you and best for the delivery of the learning content.
Information on the available delivery options for our courses are available under the specific course
page. When choosing your delivery option, please ensure you understand how it works and what is
provided by reading about each mode below.

Classroom Learning
Classroom learning is often called face-to-face learning and refers to training delivered in the
classroom. It includes attending face-to-face classes at our different campuses and completing
hands-on workshops, mentoring and coaching exercises. There is some confusion because
learning in our virtual classroom (in Teams) is often also referred to as virtual classroom learning.
Virtual classroom learning is NOT on campus.

Most students who attend classroom learning will be asked to bring a laptop as resources and
research will be accessed through the internet. If you don’t have a laptop let us know so we can
provide one for you. You may also be required to complete off-site assessments and these will
have to be done on your computer. So, you may need to consider purchasing one. You will also
need access to the internet.
Students who enrol in classroom learning should only do so if they can attend the scheduled class
dates. Failure to do so may result in not completing the course requirements.

What you need for Classroom Learning
To be on campus on scheduled days

Virtual Classroom

Virtual classroom uses similar face-to-face classroom strategies and replicates the experience in a
virtual classroom, in real-time. This is often called synchronous online learning.
Virtual training uses live, interactive workshops with group discussions and demonstrations to
deliver the content. Virtual classes are delivered over Microsoft Teams. Like Classroom learning,
you must schedule a time to attend the sessions, but you can do them from your workplace or the
comfort of your home. Virtual class sessions are usually 2-3 hours but may be shorter.
All students enrolled in a virtual training course are provided with an SSI Student Account that
gives them access to Microsoft Office, which includes the Microsoft Teams application.
If you are participating in a virtual classroom course you will need a laptop and another screen, a
camera and microphone as well as a good internet connection. This enables you to share your
screen and see participants as well as documents.

What you need for Virtual Learning
Time to attend scheduled classes
Microphone and camera
Good internet connection

At Skills Strategies International we refer to online courses are those that consist of no face-to-face
contact with Trainers/Assessors or other students. The delivery of all learning and assessment
activities occurs online. Students are provided with Trainer/Assessor support through email and
Teams meeting or telephone only. You may still work in groups with other learners, but it will be
done asynchronously (or not in real-time)
This delivery mode requires you to be disciplined but has the advantage of being able to complete
to meet your timeline. Our online courses are delivered in Moodle. Moodle can be accessed on a
mobile phone but you will not be able to submit documents by phone.

What you need for Online Learning

Stable Internet Connection

Work-based Learning
Work-based learning in vocational education and training is learning that occurs in real work
environments through participation in authentic work activities and interactions. Traineeships and
apprenticeships use work-based learning. Similar learning can be managed without the contract of
an apprenticeship or traineeship but it does need a workplace.
Workplace learning is supported by an educator and a workplace supervisor. Content and
monitoring of performance can be delivered using online and virtual learning.

What you need for Work-based Learning
Suitable Workplace
Laptop for submitting assessments

Blended learning consists of a combination of some or all of the above delivery methods. At Skills
Strategies International many of our courses use blended delivery.

Our Speaker List

Mark the Date - June 17, 2024

Fees - $550.00

Conference Location - Perth Convention And Exhibition Centre

For further information on Empowering Futures ’24 please email