Business Ready Skill Set
The Business Ready skill set gives you the skills and knowledge required to deliver all aspects of customer service, including how to create a relationship with customers, identify their needs, deliver services or products and process customer feedback.
Course Dates
Course Content
Delivery Methods
Course Duration
Course Fees
Funding Eligibility
Entry Requirements
• Use business technology
• Produce business documents
• Follow work health and safety (WHS) and emergency procedures and instructions
• Use computer software and organise electronic information and data
The skill set includes the following units of competency:
- BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
- BSBOPS203 Deliver a service to Customers
- BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management
- BSBTEC201 Use business software applications
For information on the delivery methods available at Skills Strategies International see Delivery Methods
Course duration depends on each individual student and when they have completed all their learning and assessment requirements.
This course is free under the Jobs and Skills WA Skills Ready initiative. All fees are 100% subsidised by the WA State Government so that there is no cost to you. Fees apply for non-eligible students. |