The Road to COVID-19 recovery starts here!
I was speaking to a friend last night who runs a martial arts business. Despite having cleverly pivoted his business as gyms and sports activities were shut down in March 2020 and providing a well created and engaging online offering for his existing student’s he has lost over half his total students and spoke about it being like starting again. He’s back doing jobs in his former trade in order to get by and make ends meet. Just like he did when he first started his business many years ago.
This is a great example of exactly what we are all needing to do in this recovery phase. It’s a great opportunity to go back to the beginning of your business and re-examine what it is that your business does, how you attract new customers and even look at your overall business plan and strategy to make sure your business can restart better than ever. It’s a chance to look at what of those survival strategies you have used over the last few months could become the new business as usual.
Fortunately, there is help available in Mandurah through the Federal Government Funded Entrepreneurship Facilitation Service run locally by Skills Strategies International. And because it is fully funded it won’t cost you anything but a bit of your time. Each business is different, so the service provides one to one or group coaching sessions to help you work through what you need to do to get your business and more importantly your income flow back on track. And one of the key things we have learnt from the COVID-19 outbreak was that any meeting can be done online so you might not even have to leave your business to engage with us.
Contact Kynan Bright on 0421792451 to book your free business coaching session today
Kynan Bright is our Entrepreneurial Facilitator working out of the Mandurah office. With years of business experience he has a wealth of knowledge ready to be shared