3 Tips To Avoid Overwhelm
The drive to grow and develop is like the drive to live. It is one of the primal human drives.
In modern society the amount of knowledge in the world is currently doubling every 13 months. http://www.industrytap.com/knowledge-doubling-every-12-months-soon-to-be-every-12-hours/3950. For this reason we live in the era known as the knowledge economy.
Given this information there is no way that the traditional model of “get and education – get and job and stay there” can exist. If you have a job you need to be continually learning to keep abreast of the rapid changes required by the job. Technology has removed many entry level job roles so those entering the workforce need to do so with higher level skills than ever required previously.
Given this context, the role of the Trainer-Assessor has become crucial. Not only in training organisations but also in enterprises. Being a qualified trainer – assessor is going to guarantee you and ever-increasing amount of work.
So, what are the skills and knowledge requirements of a trainer-assessor?
1. Identify learner skills gaps and deliver in an appropriate mode
Trainers need to know how to identify learner skills gaps and how to impart skills and knowledge efficiently and effectively to those who need to or want to learn. There are many ways this delivery of skills and knowledge can be delivered. The most traditional methods are the classroom-based delivery. We all remember this with varying degrees of affection.
However, prior to going to school we learned one on one with our parents or siblings and many have fond memories of a mentor who passed on their skills as part of an apprenticeship program. With the advent of technology and the pressure in the workplace, there is an increasing uptake of e-learning. ALL of these delivery modes are included in the role of the trainer assessor.
1. Lead: Influence the learners to embrace the new learning
Not only do trainers have to know different modes for engaging their learners they have to be familiar with the recent and current content that workplaces need. There is a requirement therefore to be a leader and stay at the forefront of one’s area of delivery.
Trainers are leaders. They need to influence their participants to embrace the new learning and skills and implement them to change the world in which they are working. Trainers are change managers. They are constantly challenging people to make the world and business better. Research leadership skills and learn how to lead.
1. Recognise the importance of what you are delivering and treat it accordingly
The Australian Vocational Education and Training system provides a framework for skilling Australia. Provision of training to international students through the system is also one of our largest exports. The Australian VET System makes it mandatory for trainers and assessors to hold a Training and Assessment qualification such as the TAE40116 Certificate IV Training and Assessment. It is through this qualification that the standards of trainers and assessors is maintained, and the quality of delivery and assessment is transferred.
Recognition of the importance of the role and the high level of skill required is the reason the Training and Assessment package has been reviewed to ensure that candidates have the high level of skills required to fulfil the important role. If you are changing the lives of people so that they have a better quality of existence (as they do if they have a job) then your life has added value to the general good.
Become a trainer assessor by completing our TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or upgrade your skills and become a training – assessor leader with our Dual Diploma course; TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training & TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development